Multi-owner building retrofitting
This action consisted in the implementation of high-level energy retrofitting of two multi-owner buildings on “Ile de Nantes” district and three others at city level representing over 18,000 m2 and 270 dwellings. Retrofitting works have an energy target below 80 kwh/m2. The works comprised: better thermal insulation for all the condominiums, the installation of solar panels for one of them and the connection to the district heating network for another one. The benefits of these retrofitting will allow energy savings and therefore a reduction of GhG emissions; gain in thermal comfort for the occupants; better air quality and reduction in energy consumption reduction as a result of a new ventilation system. This will also allow owners to enhance the value of their estate. Learn more here.
Single desk for energy retrofitting
Nantes Metropole has developed a single desk for energy retrofitting in order to boost energy retrofitting at metropolitan level (covering 24 cities including the City of Nantes). The web-based platform called "monprojetrenov" offers residents a large set of services such as the opportunity to have energy audit of their homes in order to prioritise retrofitting works; to identify financial support and signposting them qualified construction companies. All services and information related to retrofitting are found on which has become the main tool for the new strategy to promote retrofitting at metropolitan level. Learn more here.
Individual houses retrofitting
An innovative retrofitting scheme for individual houses has been developed. It includes the insulation of attics, walls and the installations of smart thermostats in combination with hybrid solar systems. This scheme demonstrates the feasibility of introducing new technologies such as intelligent thermostats combined with solar hybrid systems in single-family homes.
As part of the scheme, works have been implemented on 30 houses with different levels of retrofitting to adapt to user needs and financial capacities. The total energy savings for these houses is estimated at 203 MWh per year. Learn more here.