The new construction area "Schleusengraben" is a focus development area of the City of Hamburg, along the shores of an old industrial channel. The general development of the "Schleusengraben" is divided into six different areas - each area with its own investor and its own architectural and energy supply concept. This is a typical setting in which urban development takes place in Hamburg.
As part of mySMARTLife, the Borough of Bergedorf tries to convince and to consult investors to build above national energy standard, incorporating decentral energy solutions and smart controls. This is being done through a process of face-to-face conversations, workshops and the demonstration of best practice examples.
Furthermore, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, the energy utility company enercity and the gas grid operator Gasnetz Hamburg will test in one of these development areas, at the area “am Schilfpark”, a district heating system with a share of up to 30 % of hydrogen. In the scope of the energy transition, it is expected that hydrogen will play an important role in the decarbonisation of heating systems as well as mobile applications. Currently, multiple initiatives are planning to install electrolysers powered by renewable energies to supply the gas grid with renewable hydrogen. Therefore, the new system “am Schilfpark” is ready for the future and the expected rising hydrogen content in the gas grid.
Have a look at our public deliverables D3.3 and D3.4 to learn more.