Final Conference of REPLICATE project

After 5 years of collaboration and hard work, REPLICATE project has come to an end. The objective of the conference is to share and disseminate the results of the project, as well as the impacts generated. The event will share experiences, knowledge and challenges and will bring together several agents from the Smart ecosystem that will focus in the Smart City model. First part of the conference will be focused on the public authorities welcome and European Commission insights presentation about Smart Cities.

A European smart city expert will share challenges and opportunities of the smart cities. There are 3 blocks oriented to showcase the results in the REPLICATE lighthouse cities and other cross cutting activities as well as the presentation of replication activities in the fellow cities. Other lighthouse projects will participate in a session to exchange experiences and discuss about the best practices.

The target audience of this final project event are European cities, private companies, universities, technology and research centers.

Check the agenda here:

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