The City of Palencia is located in the Autonomous Community of Castilla and León (Spain). Palencia has a population of 80,000 inhabitants. Local industry is mainly in the automotive sector and agricultural production, but the main activities are related to the service sector. Palencia is also proud of its historical and cultural background as being the settlement of the first University in Spain.
Palencia is co-founder of the RECI Network (Red Española de Ciudades Inteligentes – the Spanish Network of Intelligent Cities), with a focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy and intelligent transport. At the same time, Palencia part of the “Smart City Valladolid y Palencia”, which involves public administrations, companies, research centres, universities, associations and everyone whose objective is to drive, favour and promote the union of Valladolid-Palencia.
Becoming a smart city and lowering greenhouse gas emissions are two of the most important pillars of the city of Palencia´s concept of sustainable development. The role of Palencia within mySMARTLife is to demonstrate that the transfer of large projects into a smaller scale is not only possible but also profitable, according to the business models of smaller cities. Click here to learn more.

- Electrical mobility as a priority - the city will invest in electric vehicles for all purposes, like e-car sharing, multimodality, public transportation and urban freight.
- City infrastructure - district heating and cooling for public school boilers, street lighting using new technologies considering different perception and intensities.
- ICT to encourage citizens to make the change happen in their homes and businesses.
- Non-technical actions in connection with citizen involvement and policy improvement.
- Buildings & Districts - encouraging private capital owners to invest in reducing emissions accompanied by economic savings.
Gabriel Rubí Montes
City Council of Palencia
Phone: +34 979706430