The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany, with its 1.8 million inhabitants in the city adding up to 5 million inhabitants in its metropolitan region. Hamburg is a city as well as one of the 16 federal German states. Economically and culturally, Hamburg is the centre of Northern Germany and one of Europe’s most liveable and economically strongest cities. Therefore, Hamburg is undertaking great efforts to put its Smart City approach into reality by using smart technologies and implementing numerous interdisciplinary pilot projects.
And Hamburg is still facing a growth trend; especially younger people are attracted be the city’s dynamic economy and the large number of jobs, by the variety of educational institutions and the large range of leisure facilities and cultural opportunities. The aim of the current town planning is to find spaces within the existing areas as well as opening up new development opportunities. The city wants to create additional, high-quality urban spaces by the water, offering homes, jobs, leisure and recreation.
Have a look at our public deliverables D3.1 and D3.2 to learn more.

The mySMARTLife demonstration area, the Borough of Bergedorf, is Hamburg´s biggest district, located in the east of the city. The district is diverse, with a historic centre with numerous heritage-listed houses as well as residential buildings. All are subject of an integrated strategy targeting the quality of life, citizen involvement, technical and social infrastructures, public buildings and spaces.
There are three zones of interventions, where the 59 mySMARTLife actions in Hamburg will be implemented:
- Zone 1 comprises the new construction area “Schleusengraben”, where more than 1,400 new residential units will be built. They will be above national energy efficiency standards, with smart controls and connection to an innovative low-energy district heating mainly based on renewable energy sources. Also, new smart adaptive lighting for bicycle routes will be implemented.
- Zone 2 “Bergedorf-Süd” is the name of an ambitious retrofitting area, where an innovative concept of independent Smart Heating Islands will become reality, again mainly based on renewable energy sources. Also, a humble lamppost initiative is foreseen to replace the existing street lamps.
- Although the mobility interventions affect the whole City of Hamburg, they are a focused activity in Zone 3, comprising the entire Borough of Bergedorf. Here, electric buses, e-cars and e-bikes for public and private fleets are implemented as well as e-bus charging stations at the bus depot, several fast charging stations and a set of private and public stations for e-cars, all supplied with energy stemming to 100% from renewable energy sources. A multi-modal mobility concept and innovative approaches like a car sharing e-community complement the actions in Zone 3.
Marie Finke & Lukas Risch
Senate of the Free & Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Senate Chancellary
Phone: +49 40 42831 1461