We Miss Nantes!

A short summary of the mySMARTLife 8th Periodic Meeting and 3rd Review Meeting taking place from the 15th to the 17th of September 2020.

From 15 to 17 September the full mySMARTLife consortium gathered around their computers to contribute, discuss and review the progress of our project. We should have met in Nantes and meeting online was the only possibility due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Looking back

Reviewing the last months, we are on track to deliver the core elements of mySMARTLife which are a city led approach, involving citizens, developing pilot projects and evaluating as well as replicating the mySMARTLife innovations.

The mySMARTLife Urban Transformation Strategy has been completed and “is being deployed at two levels: for lighthouse cities and for follower cities. Advanced cities show a high starting point level, less advanced cities face a big number of difficulties, related to lack of urban planning and scarce financial resources”. Also, “a very good progress and stability for the project evolution has been reached, despite the covid-10 pandemic that in general has not affected seriously the deployment of the more than 150 smart actions that are now almost completed”, states Project Coordinator Rubén García Pajares, CARTIF Technology Centre.

A Lot of Knowledge Generated

Knowledge generated during this reporting period included: In sum the mySMARTLife team stated that local teams in in Hamburg, Nantes and Helsinki as well as in the Follower Cities Palencia, Bydgoszcz and Rijeka have made a tremendous effort to secure for all actions 12-months monitoring. The first draft of replication plans are ready, and all results are balanced in the Energy, Mobility and ICT sectors. Furthermore, collaboration between mySMARTLife and the other SCC-01 projects are a very relevant part of our project.

Our Bright Future