The strategic plan of the city and the SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) of Palencia included in the Covenant of Mayors initiative constitute the initial framework of the replication plan of Palencia. The innovative methodological approach of mySMARTLife and the description of the decision, consultation, dissemination and execution processes that Lighthouse Cities have reported on their experience in similar actions, has helped Palencia to rectify the processes to be followed and, in this way, to be more efficient in the planning and execution of their own actions.
Thanks to mySMARTLife Palencia’s replication actions have become a template to replicate for other Spanish municipalities such as Vitoria and Burgos who are exploring topics like energy efficiency.
Palencia is currently focusing on three main topics:
- EV for municipal fleet: eleven vans and four electric motorcycles have replaced conventional vehicles used by municipal services since September 2019
- Smart Citizen Platform: Citizen Platform, currently in testing and training phase
- Energy monitoring of buildings: monitoring since March 2020 and smart lighting
Recently Palencia has been chosen with Valladolid city as models of climate neutral cities to promote the New Horizon program in 2021 by Euronews TV. In the TV report it is explained how mySMARTLife impacts the energy efficiency plans of the Palencia city.