In view of the European elections on 26 May 2019, State Councillor Annette Tabbara presented selected EU projects as part of a small tour in Hamburg on Tuesday, 30 April 2019. Dealing with the question what Europe does concretely mean for Hamburg, local and regional press was invited to a presentation of mySMARTLife and its various smart city solutions. As part of a virtual reality walk, the Bergedorf energy campus and the transport company VHH electric bus workshop were virtually brought to the town hall.
Local and regional press then took a ride on the electronic bus developed by mySMARTLife. Interviewed by NDR and Hamburg1 Thomas Jacob, EU-project coordinator, gave an overview of mySMARTLife. With around 35,000 viewers per show, the Hamburg Journal is one of the most successful television formats in Northern Germany.
Watch the mySMARTLife interviews on German television here: