During the first months of the project, partners of the local Helsinki consortium presented mySMARTLife on different occasions, such as the Helsinki day event at Kalasatama school on 12th June and the EU Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels in collaboration with other project partners.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd together with other Helsinki mySMARTLife partners has also worked on a city audit and baseline report which comprises a wide spectrum of the city’s characteristics (e.g. sustainable energy, mobility, public procurement, citizen engagement) analysed by summarising existing good practices and potential for improvements.
Moreover, the Helsinki partners have prepared several energy and mobility actions during the first months of the project that are going to be realised in the autumn 2017:
- Smart thermostats for smart heat control are going to be installed in one building of the Merihaka area, a seashore residential area in central Helsinki, to increase energy efficiency and to start the heat demand response pilot. All residents of the building will be informed of the action through different information channels. Also, info evenings are going to be held before and after the installations.
- Project partner Helen, the second largest energy provider and utility company in Finland, will organise workshops for the citizens with the main task to find the best possible ways to co-finance renewable energy implementation at Korkeasaari zoo through visitors’ contribution.
- An autonomous bus pilot is planned to be operating in the autumn 2017. Also, the first ten fully electric buses have started operation in spring and two more will follow later in 2017.